A week ago I started taking notes in Logseq, an awesome app, I dare to say.
Before this, I jotted down my thoughts in Apple Notes and then curated these notes in Notion in a more ordered way. This is because Notion is amazing, but I always found it really, really slow, from its UI to the workflow proposed by it. I think its strengths are on the collaboration side of things much more than on the workflow speed you can get from it.
My decision to try Logseq is based on the following:
- Outliner workflow: I usually write my ideas down in an outline form, Logseq does this by design.
- Journaling: This is something I wanted to try for a long time, Logseq strongly encourages this.
- Speed: Apple Notes is amazing for its speed and availability, but I don’t like the idea of having all my notes in a proprietary format. This feels like a suitable replacement; as a plus, it stores everything in standard
So far, I’m liking this app. I will try it a bit more, and if I really like it, I’ll go ahead and pay for the sync service, as syncing everything via iCloud is not a saint of my devotion.